Imitation Blue

Written for Ensemble Pamplemousse, Kodak Slide Projector, and sample playback, the work takes form as an inter-media trio. Tracing the intersection of sonic and visual phenomena, specifically as they are used in the production of "natural environments," points of reference are attained complementarily, subversively, sequentially, and arbitrarily. 

Position to the image, and the notion of lens is significant in Imitation Blue, and at a certain point the projector collapses in, both in reference to its own physical identity, and also as if it were an instrument within the ensemble. Embedded in the uncertain edges and the uneasy naturalism that we associate with photography and audio samples, we explore our rapidly changing relationships to images.

Images by Stephan Sagmiller

PREMIERE May 18, 2014. Ensemble Pamplemousse.
LOCATION Flamboyan Theatre, New York City
PERSONNEL Flute, Violin, Violoncello, Piano
COMMISSIONER Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec
TECHNOLOGY Sample Playback, Slide Projector